Emmanuel Glaser a une double expérience administrative et juridictionnelle, qui en fait un interlocuteur privilégié dans les relations avec l’administration et les juridictions.
Il est ancien membre du Conseil d’Etat, où il a passé 14 ans, dont 7 ans comme commissaire du Gouvernement, ainsi que comme juge des référés et comme membre de la Section des travaux publics.
Emmanuel Glaser a également été conseiller pour les affaires juridiques et européennes du Secrétaire général de la défense nationale, puis sous-directeur du droit public, européen et international à la Direction des affaires juridiques du ministère de l’économie et des finances. A ce titre, il a piloté ou suivi de nombreux projets de loi et de textes réglementaires, depuis leur rédaction jusqu’à leur vote définitif par le Parlement et leur défense devant le Conseil constitutionnel ou le Conseil d’Etat.
Il a ensuite rejoint le cabinet Veil Jourde en 2011 en qualité d’associé, responsable du département de droit public, avant de cofonder en 2021 le cabinet Fréget Glaser & Associés.
Emmanuel Glaser a conservé de cette carrière administrative et juridictionnelle un réseau important au sein des administrations de l’Etat, notamment des directions juridiques et du secrétariat général du Gouvernement, et une connaissance approfondie du Conseil d’Etat.
Expert du droit public économique, il conseille des entreprises ou des grands opérateurs publics sur des problématiques complexes de régulation, de sanctions et de contrats, notamment dans le cadre de contentieux structurants.
Emmanuel Glaser est professeur associé à l’université de Paris-Est Créteil, maître de conférences à Sciences Po Paris et co-rédacteur de la rubrique concurrence à l’Actualité juridique Droit administratif (AJDA).
Emmanuel Glaser est ancien élève de l’Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm), de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et de l’Ecole nationale d’administration.
Emmanuel Glaser a une double expérience administrative et juridictionnelle, qui en fait un interlocuteur privilégié dans les relations avec l’administration et les juridictions.
Il est ancien membre du Conseil d’Etat, où il a passé 14 ans, dont 7 ans comme commissaire du Gouvernement, ainsi que comme juge des référés et comme membre de la Section des travaux publics.
Emmanuel Glaser a également été conseiller pour les affaires juridiques et européennes du Secrétaire général de la défense nationale, puis sous-directeur du droit public, européen et international à la Direction des affaires juridiques du ministère de l’économie et des finances. A ce titre, il a piloté ou suivi de nombreux projets de loi et de textes réglementaires, depuis leur rédaction jusqu’à leur vote définitif par le Parlement et leur défense devant le Conseil constitutionnel ou le Conseil d’Etat.
Il a ensuite rejoint le cabinet Veil Jourde en 2011 en qualité d’associé, responsable du département de droit public, avant de cofonder en 2021 le cabinet Fréget Glaser & Associés.
Emmanuel Glaser a conservé de cette carrière administrative et juridictionnelle un réseau important au sein des administrations de l’Etat, notamment des directions juridiques et du secrétariat général du Gouvernement, et une connaissance approfondie du Conseil d’Etat.
Expert du droit public économique, il conseille des entreprises ou des grands opérateurs publics sur des problématiques complexes de régulation, de sanctions et de contrats, notamment dans le cadre de contentieux structurants.
Emmanuel Glaser est professeur associé à l’université de Paris-Est Créteil, maître de conférences à Sciences Po Paris et co-rédacteur de la rubrique concurrence à l’Actualité juridique Droit administratif (AJDA).
Emmanuel Glaser est ancien élève de l’Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm), de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et de l’Ecole nationale d’administration.
Passionate and determined, a fine technician with a creative mind, Olivier Fréget spares neither his time nor his efforts for his clients. A legal advisor before being admitted to the Paris Bar in 1994, he assists and represents his clients before the French and European courts on all issues related to competition and regulatory law. Recognized for the quality of his expertise and his technical knowledge in new technologies (particularly computer technology), he is particularly sought after in the telecommunications, energy, media and pharmaceutical sectors.
Prior to founding Fréget & Associés becoming Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021, Olivier Fréget was a partner at Allen & Overy LLP in Paris, head of the Competition and European Law Department in Paris and co-head of the Global Competition Law Group between 2010 and 2013. In this capacity, he gained significant international experience on competition law and policy in Europe and beyond. He was previously partner in charge of the Competition and European Law Department of Bird & Bird in Paris.
He holds a post-graduate degree in International Private Law and International Trade Law from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and has also studied economics and international politics. A convinced and militant European, he is a member of several think tanks on competition policy and the European Union.
He currently teaches competition law at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.
Passionate and determined, a fine technician with a creative mind, Olivier Fréget spares neither his time nor his efforts for his clients. A legal advisor before being admitted to the Paris Bar in 1994, he assists and represents his clients before the French and European courts on all issues related to competition and regulatory law. Recognized for the quality of his expertise and his technical knowledge in new technologies (particularly computer technology), he is particularly sought after in the telecommunications, energy, media and pharmaceutical sectors.
Prior to founding Fréget & Associés becoming Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021, Olivier Fréget was a partner at Allen & Overy LLP in Paris, head of the Competition and European Law Department in Paris and co-head of the Global Competition Law Group between 2010 and 2013. In this capacity, he gained significant international experience on competition law and policy in Europe and beyond. He was previously partner in charge of the Competition and European Law Department of Bird & Bird in Paris.
He holds a post-graduate degree in International Private Law and International Trade Law from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and has also studied economics and international politics. A convinced and militant European, he is a member of several think tanks on competition policy and the European Union.
He currently teaches competition law at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.
Passionate and determined, a fine technician with a creative mind, Olivier Fréget spares neither his time nor his efforts for his clients. A legal advisor before being admitted to the Paris Bar in 1994, he assists and represents his clients before the French and European courts on all issues related to competition and regulatory law. Recognized for the quality of his expertise and his technical knowledge in new technologies (particularly computer technology), he is particularly sought after in the telecommunications, energy, media and pharmaceutical sectors.
Prior to founding Fréget & Associés becoming Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021, Olivier Fréget was a partner at Allen & Overy LLP in Paris, head of the Competition and European Law Department in Paris and co-head of the Global Competition Law Group between 2010 and 2013. In this capacity, he gained significant international experience on competition law and policy in Europe and beyond. He was previously partner in charge of the Competition and European Law Department of Bird & Bird in Paris.
He holds a post-graduate degree in International Private Law and International Trade Law from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and has also studied economics and international politics. A convinced and militant European, he is a member of several think tanks on competition policy and the European Union.
He currently teaches competition law at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.
Emmanuel Glaser has both an administrative and jurisdictional experience, which makes him a privileged point of contact in relations with the administration and the courts.
He spent 14 years as a member of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State), including its position during 7 years as Commissaire du Gouvernement, as well as Juge des Référés and member of the Section des Travaux Publics.
Emmanuel Glaser was also advisor for legal and European affairs to the Secretary General of National Defense, and then Deputy Director of Public, European and International Law at the Legal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In this capacity, he piloted or monitored numerous bills and regulatory texts, from their drafting to their final adoption by Parliament and their defense before the Conseil Constitutionnel (Constitutional Council) or the Conseil d’Etat.
He joined Veil Jourde in 2011 as a partner, in charge of the public law department, before co-founding Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021.
Emmanuel Glaser has kept from his administrative and jurisdictional career an important network within the State administrations, in particular the legal departments, the General Secretariat of the French Government and the Conseil d’Etat.
As an expert in public economic law, he advises companies and major public operators on complex issues of regulation, sanctions and contracts, particularly in the context of major litigation cases.
Emmanuel Glaser is an associate professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and co-editor of the competition section of the French legal journal "Actualité juridique Droit administratif" (AJDA).
Emmanuel Glaser is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration.
Emmanuel Glaser has both an administrative and jurisdictional experience, which makes him a privileged point of contact in relations with the administration and the courts.
He spent 14 years as a member of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State), including its position during 7 years as Commissaire du Gouvernement, as well as Juge des Référés and member of the Section des Travaux Publics.
Emmanuel Glaser was also advisor for legal and European affairs to the Secretary General of National Defense, and then Deputy Director of Public, European and International Law at the Legal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In this capacity, he piloted or monitored numerous bills and regulatory texts, from their drafting to their final adoption by Parliament and their defense before the Conseil Constitutionnel (Constitutional Council) or the Conseil d’Etat.
He joined Veil Jourde in 2011 as a partner, in charge of the public law department, before co-founding Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021.
Emmanuel Glaser has kept from his administrative and jurisdictional career an important network within the State administrations, in particular the legal departments, the General Secretariat of the French Government and the Conseil d’Etat.
As an expert in public economic law, he advises companies and major public operators on complex issues of regulation, sanctions and contracts, particularly in the context of major litigation cases.
Emmanuel Glaser is an associate professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and co-editor of the competition section of the French legal journal "Actualité juridique Droit administratif" (AJDA).
Emmanuel Glaser is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration.
Emmanuel Glaser has both an administrative and jurisdictional experience, which makes him a privileged point of contact in relations with the administration and the courts.
He spent 14 years as a member of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State), including its position during 7 years as Commissaire du Gouvernement, as well as Juge des Référés and member of the Section des Travaux Publics.
Emmanuel Glaser was also advisor for legal and European affairs to the Secretary General of National Defense, and then Deputy Director of Public, European and International Law at the Legal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In this capacity, he piloted or monitored numerous bills and regulatory texts, from their drafting to their final adoption by Parliament and their defense before the Conseil Constitutionnel (Constitutional Council) or the Conseil d’Etat.
He joined Veil Jourde in 2011 as a partner, in charge of the public law department, before co-founding Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2021.
Emmanuel Glaser has kept from his administrative and jurisdictional career an important network within the State administrations, in particular the legal departments, the General Secretariat of the French Government and the Conseil d’Etat.
As an expert in public economic law, he advises companies and major public operators on complex issues of regulation, sanctions and contracts, particularly in the context of major litigation cases.
Emmanuel Glaser is an associate professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and co-editor of the competition section of the French legal journal "Actualité juridique Droit administratif" (AJDA).
Emmanuel Glaser is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration.
An accomplished EU and Competition/Antitrust Lawyer with extensive experience in both advisory work and litigation, Liliana handles complex cases before the EU and the French courts, as well as before the administrative authorities (European Commission, French Competition Authority).
Well versed in all antitrust and distribution law matters, Liliana also handles multi-jurisdictional merger control cases in the context of corporate transactions.
Liliana has also developed an expertise in State aid law, advising companies (as beneficiaries or competitors), financial institutions (State guarantee issues), as well as State-owned entities (including assistance in the administrative process before the European Commission). She has authored the French chapter of State Aid and the Energy Sector (Hart Publishing, 2018).
Prior to joining Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2016, Liliana worked for eleven years in the Brussels and Paris offices of Allen & Overy LLP. She acquired significant experience in regulated sectors (pharma, energy, telecom), as well as in matters related to the interaction between intellectual property law and competition law.
Liliana Eskenazi holds a PhD in law from the University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her thesis, L'Europe - espace de concurrence, received the Magna cum laude distinction and is published. Liliana has taught competition law at the Ecole Centrale - Supelec, and is currently a lecturer at the University of Picardie. Liliana also intervenes as a volunteer of the Paris Bar pro-bono association Initiadroit in secondary schools on European citizenship.
An accomplished EU and Competition/Antitrust Lawyer with extensive experience in both advisory work and litigation, Liliana handles complex cases before the EU and the French courts, as well as before the administrative authorities (European Commission, French Competition Authority).
Well versed in all antitrust and distribution law matters, Liliana also handles multi-jurisdictional merger control cases in the context of corporate transactions.
Liliana has also developed an expertise in State aid law, advising companies (as beneficiaries or competitors), financial institutions (State guarantee issues), as well as State-owned entities (including assistance in the administrative process before the European Commission). She has authored the French chapter of State Aid and the Energy Sector (Hart Publishing, 2018).
Prior to joining Fréget Glaser & Associés in 2016, Liliana worked for eleven years in the Brussels and Paris offices of Allen & Overy LLP. She acquired significant experience in regulated sectors (pharma, energy, telecom), as well as in matters related to the interaction between intellectual property law and competition law.
Liliana Eskenazi holds a PhD in law from the University of Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her thesis, L'Europe - espace de concurrence, received the Magna cum laude distinction and is published. Liliana has taught competition law at the Ecole Centrale - Supelec, and is currently a lecturer at the University of Picardie. Liliana also intervenes as a volunteer of the Paris Bar pro-bono association Initiadroit in secondary schools on European citizenship.
sandrine perrotet
Sandrine Perrotet has practiced as a lawyer with some of the largest law firms in France. Before joining Fréget Glaser & Associés as a partner in 2021, she worked for eight years at Darrois Villey and for more than ten years at Veil Jourde as counsel.
She has a thorough understanding of all issues related to regulated sectors (electronic communications, energy, pharmaceuticals, transport, etc.), from tariff negotiations to market access issues.
She has been involved in major and structuring operations in the public sector or regulated sectors which constitute significant references.
She has a great understanding of litigation and has developed an unparalleled expertise in constitutional and financial law, particularly in the context of litigation before the CDBF. She participated in the handling of strategic litigations, such as a litigation concerning regulated gas sales tariffs and the condemnation of the CSA to a sanction exceeding one million euros following the illegal adoption of a sanction illegally pronounced against a television service publisher. She assisted clients in the renegotiation of two important administrative emphyteutic leases, notably for the installation of the Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce.
Sandrine Perrotet has practiced as a lawyer with some of the largest law firms in France. Before joining Fréget Glaser & Associés as a partner in 2021, she worked for eight years at Darrois Villey and for more than ten years at Veil Jourde as counsel.
She has a thorough understanding of all issues related to regulated sectors (electronic communications, energy, pharmaceuticals, transport, etc.), from tariff negotiations to market access issues.
She has been involved in major and structuring operations in the public sector or regulated sectors which constitute significant references.
She has a great understanding of litigation and has developed an unparalleled expertise in constitutional and financial law, particularly in the context of litigation before the CDBF. She participated in the handling of strategic litigations, such as a litigation concerning regulated gas sales tariffs and the condemnation of the CSA to a sanction exceeding one million euros following the illegal adoption of a sanction illegally pronounced against a television service publisher. She assisted clients in the renegotiation of two important administrative emphyteutic leases, notably for the installation of the Pinault Collection at the Bourse du Commerce.